Employee Rewards and Recognition

Ask yourself the importance of a chocolate or a muffin to motivate your child to finish his homework or clean his room. Same way, the rewards and recognition can prove to be extremely ...

6 Different Types Of Reward

While most employees would never turn down a cash bonus, not all of them find money the most fulfilling reward. Some employees, for example, place the highest value on having their ...

Performance bonus

Performance bonuses are intended to be motivational tools that encourage employees to keep goals in mind and take action in their everyday work to help the company achieve those goals. ...

The Role of Reward Systems

A recent study finds that bonuses and certain types of reward systems have little effect on long-term organizational performance. Still, most experts say reward systems are necessary, ...

What Types of Rewards Would Motivate Workers in an Organization?

You have many options for motivating workers to perform well in your organization. For example, job rotation and job enrichment bring in additional challenges and experience. You also ...

Intrinsic Rewards in the Workplace

In a knowledge economy where the greatest asset an employee can offer an organization is their intelligence, experience, problem solving ability and change-savvy persona, intrinsic ...

Effective Reward Systems

A motivated workforce can be a significant factor in organizational success. When employees are motivated to work at higher levels of productivity, the organization as a whole runs ...

Non-Traditional Employee Rewards

Where end-of-year bonuses once stood as the gold standard, today’s reward programs are more diverse and reflect an organisation’s unique culture and creativity. (adsbygoogle ...

Types of Rewards

There are a number of ways to classify rewards. Three of the more typical dichotomies are: Intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards, financial versus non financial rewards, and performance-based ...
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