The Secret of Workplace Motivation

The most important brainstorm you will ever experience about employees and motivation is to realize that you can’t do it for people. As a manager or coworker, no matter how hard you try, people choose whether to experience motivation at work.
motivation secret
You can’t motivate others. You can only choose motivation for yourself. I recommend it. Days speed quickly by and you are engrossed in activities you enjoy. Challenges multiply because you are excited.

You set and achieve challenging goals. You feel good about yourself and your self-esteem swells.

Choose motivation. If you find you can’t, seek out the career and job changing resources on the site. Or, read about how to deal with a bad boss. Don’t freeze in place. You really can do better than this.

Thoughts for Managers and Supervisors

If you can’t cause employees to experience motivation, is there anything that a manager or supervisor can do to encourage employees to experience motivation at work? The answer to this question is that there is a whole lot that they can do.

Every time I do an exit interview with an employee I would really liked to have retained, I am struck by the fact that people leave supervisors or managers more often than they leave employers or jobs.

If you’re not paying attention to the quality of management employees receive in your organization, your door will become a revolving door. Your very best employees who know that they have options are the first to leave.

Thinking about employee motivation, here are some of the supervisory actions that cause people to stay with you as an employer.

In work environments where factors such as these don’t exist, employees are much more likely to leave their jobs.

=> You need to pay attention to employees and help them feel important. This involves asking them how they are doing, thanking them for their efforts, and keeping commitments you’ve made to them.
=> Keeping commitments is as simple as attending a scheduled meeting rather than postponing it because everything else is more important. The employee will feel as if everything else is more important.
=> Recognition is a key factor in employee motivation and people like to hear words of praise from their boss. They also enjoy their manager offering sincere thank yous to them for their approaches, accomplishments, and contributions.
=> You need to provide solid direction so your staff knows that they are accomplishing important goals. One of the complaints heard most frequently from employees who are unhappy about having a bad boss is that the boss did not provide clear expectations. Employees who don’t have clear direction are never sure about how they are performing.
=> The power of a supervisor’s feedback cannot be overemphasized. Employees, especially millennials, like feedback every day.
=> Provide staff the opportunity to learn, grow and make career progress. In any study of employee engagement and motivation, a career path and knowing where they are going is important to employees. Again, millennials, who are used to full schedules and solid direction, need this the most of all of your employee groups.
=> Finally, help employees feel like members of the “in-crowd”. They want to know what is happening as quickly as everyone else – and – earlier, if possible.

Do these activities wisely and well and you’ll be viewed as a positive, motivating supervisor or manager and you’’ll keep your best staff. You can create a workplace in which employees are more likely to choose motivation.

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