The Warwick Model of HRM
This model was developed by two researchers, Hendry and Pettigrew of University of Warwick (hence the name Warwick model). Like other human resource management models, the Warwick proposition centers around five elements
=>> Outer context (macro environmental forces)
=>> Inner context (firm specific or micro environmental forces)
=>> Business strategy content
=>> HRM context
=>> HRM content
The Warwick model takes cognisance of business strategy and HR practices (as in the Guest model), the external and internal context (unlike the Guest model) in which these activities take place, and the process by which such changes take place, including interactions between changes in both context and content. The strength of the model is that it identifies and classifies important environmental influĀences on HRM. It maps the connection between the external and environmental factors and explores how human resource management adapts to changes in the context. Obviously, those organizations achieving an alignment between the external and internal contexts will achieve performance and growth.