Training in safety

Systematic training of industrial employees is necessary if they are to do their job efficiently and safely. This is an inescapable requirement, regardless of how carefully employees are selected or haw much aptitude and experience they may have for the jobs to which they are assigned. Training practices in the industry will be found to vary widely with respect to method, content, quality, quantity, and source of instruction. The differences are influenced, strongly by the size of the company he types of jobs performed and the awareness of the management regarding the important of training.

It is not enough if workers are trained on the methods of avoiding accidents. They must be trained on the ways of minimizing damage, should an accident occur. For example, high voltage line repairers must be given thorough indoctrination in correct work methods before they are permitted to undertake more hazardous phases of their work. Additionally, the employees must be given instructions in firs procedures, including specialize techniques for resuscitation, using prescribed methods that can be applied while the victim is still at the top of a high voltage line pole. A similar problem might occur in a chemical plant.

Employees may be working with compounds that, if accidentally released or spilled in large volumes, would cause severe injury upon contact with the skin or body tissues. In such situations, a common safety device is the installation of emergency showers that provide a deluge of water to thoroughly flush the dangerous compound often het skin of a victim. Training for such workers requires, therefore, not only what to do and what not to do in performing the job properly, but also thorough instructions on the use of special devices and procedures, in the event an emergency occur.

Training may be given by the foreman or supervisor responsible for the job. However, nowadays, the management is finding it worthwhile to use specialists in training to supplement the work of the supervisor, as in the case of job analysis and injury prevention. Training specialists do not necessarily do the job for which the supervisor is responsible. The function of the specialist is to set up the procedure so that the training can be impacted by qualified persons in the plant or, individual departments. The specialist will prepare the instructional manuals and other details for conducting the training programmed, and supervise the activity.

The National Organic Chemical Industries (NOCIL has unique training programmes on safety. The company has a risk management team comprising medical officers, nursing and pathological staff and safety officers all numbering 20. The team’s agenda includes safety, health and environment protection. NOCTL’s training programmes consist of mandatory training programmes like mock safety drills (every week and evacuation drills (at least once in a year). In addition, the company has organized a modular approach to step up safety measures.

There is the departmental module in which all departments at the plant are in a integrated safety programmed. A regular duty system enables every department to participate.

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