Online Recruitment

The Internet changed the recruitment practices dramatically. The online recruitment is the leading recruitment source today. The online recruitment needs a different approach. The job applicant can receive more information about the job vacancy, and the application for a new job is much easier today. People can apply for 30 jobs within several minutes. The overload in the recruitment function can be enormous. The efficiency of the recruitment process can drop significantly. The art of the online recruitment has to be learned over a longer period of time.
The world of the online recruitment changes rapidly. The modern recruitment approaches turn the old ones quickly and traditional ways of the online recruitment. The job applicants become the passive receivers of job vacancy offers. The recruiting companies are the key players today. The people just wait to see the fascinating offer in the mailbox.

Traditional Online Recruitment
The whole online recruitment story started with the online job boards. The Internet job boards started to be popular back in 1995. They were extremely modern, and they offered the opportunity to advertise many job vacancies at one place.

The job boards managed to drive many job applicants to organizations. Organizations were not ready to process hundreds of job resumes per a single vacancy. The timing was essential for being the successful job applicant winning the new job.

Today, the classical job boards are disappearing. They are a traditional recruitment source.

Modern Online Recruitment Practices
The Web 2.0 and the social media webs introduced a entirely new way of the recruitment. They do not post many job vacancies. They let people fill in their career interests, they allow members to connect themselves as friends and colleagues.

The websites sell specific access rights for the recruitment companies. They offer the opportunity to have a specialized company page, where the job applicants can become fans of the company.

The LinkedIn and Facebook are the kings of the online recruitment today. Facebook is cheaper, but building the requested level of the social interaction takes time.

The recruitment using the social web media is a highly specialized area of the recruitment. The deep expertise and understanding to the Web 2.0 techniques is a must. The recruiters have to understand emotions, and they have to understand how to send right messages to the audience.

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