Several job analysis methods are built on the questionnaire approach. Some of these methods are described next.
The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) developed by McCormick, Jeanneret, and Mecham (1972) is a structured job analysis instrument to measure job characteristics and relate them to human characteristics.
The PAQ is a specialized questionnaire method incorporating checklists. Each job is analyzed on 27 dimensions composed of 187 “elements.” The PAQ comprises six divisions, with each division containing numerous job elements. The divisions include:
—Information input: Where and how does the worker get information to do the job?
—Mental process: What levels of reasoning are necessary on the job?
—Work output: What physical activities are performed?
—Relationships with others: What relationships are required to perform the job?
—Job context: What working conditions and social contexts are involved?
—Other: What else is relevant to the job?
The PAQ focuses on “worker-oriented” elements that describe behaviors necessary to do the job, rather than on “job-oriented” elements that describe the technical aspects of the work. Although its complexity may deter many potential users, the PAQ is easily quantified and can be used to conduct validity studies on selection tests. It is also useful in helping to ensure internal pay fairness because it considers the varying demands of different jobs.