Benefits of Training

Training provides multidimensional benefits to the organization, to the individual employee and to other functional aspects of the organization. Let us go to the presentation below:

Benefits of the Organization:
1. Leads to improved profitability and / more positive attitude toward profit orientation.
2. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization.
3. Improves the morale of the workforce.
4. Helps people identify with organizational goals.
5. Helps create a better corporate image.
6. Fosters authenticity, openness and trust.
7. Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate.
8. Aids in organizational development.
9. Learns from the trainee.
10. Helps prepare guidelines for work.
11. Aids in understanding and carrying out organizational policies.
12. Provides information for future needs in all areas of the organization. Etc.

Benefits To The Individual Which In Turn Ultimately Should Benefit The Organization
 Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving.
 Through training and development, motivational variables of recognition, achievement, growth, responsibility and advancement are internalized and operationalized.
 Aids in encouraging and achieving self-development and self – confidence.
 Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
 Provides information for improving leadership knowledge, communication skills and attitudes.
 Increases job satisfaction and recognition.
 Provides trainee an avenue for growth and a say in his/her own future. Etc.

Benefits in Personnel And Human Relations, Intra- and Intergroup Relations And Policy Implementation
 Improves communication between groups and individuals.
 Aids in orientation for new employees and those taking new jobs through transfer or promotion.
 Provides information on equal opportunity and affirmative action.
 Provides information on other governmental laws and administrative policies.
 Improves interpersonal skills and Makes organization policies, rules, and regulations viable.
 Improves morale and Builds cohesiveness in groups.

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