Employee Engagement Metrics

There are ten components that go into measuring an engaged employee, all of which are measured within Office vibe’s engagement reports and surveys. These are the makeup of what engages employees and, if improved, what can create a great company culture.

1. Recognition : Lack of recognition is the top reason that people leave their jobs. Companies with engaged employees and a great company culture have significantly lower voluntary turnover.

2. Feedback : Employees crave feedback that will help them excel at their job. Often, managers are reluctant to give constructive feedback in the fear that they might upset or disengage the employee.

3. Happiness : It’s important to keep an eye on your employee’s happiness both in and out of work. Happier employees are 12% more productive and are more passionate about work.

4. Personal Growth : Employees want to grow in and outside of work. Humans are genuinely motivated to have autonomy, mastery, and purpose, which are all part of growing professionally, and as a person.

5. Satisfaction : Employees have to be satisfied with their environment and enjoy where they work. It’s also important to know if employees are currently satisfied with their wage and benefits.

6. Wellness : Healthy employees take fewer sick days and have more energy to perform well at work. Eating and sleeping well, along with exercise, will give them the energy to excel at work and be more productive.

7. Ambassadorship : This comes down to one question, would an employee be willing to recommend their company as a place to work? Employee “ambassadors” lead to better recruitment and strengthen the company’s culture.

8. Relationship With Managers : Having a good relationship with management will allow employees to work easier and happier. The old expression is “people don’t quit their job, they quit their boss,” so it’s beneficial to see how teams function.

9. Relationship With Colleagues : Feeling part of a team can have major effects on engagement and motivation. It’s important to optimize the frequency of communication between employees.

10. Company Alignment : It’s valuable to know how employees feel about the mission, core values, and direction of the company. This helps with engagement and gives clear meaning to why they are there.

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