Induction & Training

Every employee remembers their first few days in a job and if that experience is below standard, you may quickly find that you will have a disgruntled or at least a less than happy employee on your hands.

Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join your business and giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly.
Induction has three aims:
 To smooth the early stages when everything is likely to be strange and unfamiliar to the new employee.
 To establish quickly a favourable attitude to the company in the mind of the new employee so that he or she is more likely to stay.
 To obtain effective output from the new employee in the shortest possible time.
Usually the induction process has two components:
>>Company Induction
The first stage of induction is when the employee receives a detailed introduction to the company and their job. An employee handbook is useful for this purpose, but there should also be a face-to-face induction given which covers things like:
 A brief description of the company ¡V its history, products, organisation and management.
 Basic conditions of employment ¡V hours of work, holidays, pension scheme, insurance.
 Pay ¡V pay scales, when paid and how, deductions, queries.
 Sickness ¡V notification of absence, certificates, pay.
 Leave of absence.
 Company rules.
Disciplinary procedure.
Grievance procedure.
Promotion procedure.
 Union and joint consultation arrangements (if relevant).
 Education and training.
Health and safety arrangements.
 Medical and first-aid facilities.
 Restaurant and canteen facilities.
 Social and welfare arrangements.
 Telephone calls and correspondence.
 Travelling and subsistence expenses (if relevant).
If your business is not large enough to justify a printed handbook, the least that should be done is to prepare a typed summary of this information. You may not personally deliver the full induction but you should spend time with all new starters so that they understand your philosophy and what is expected of them.
>>>Departmental Induction
When the initial briefing has been completed, new employees should be taken to their place of work and introduced to their manager or team leader for the departmental induction programme. This can involve working through a checklist of training and other information which might span their first month in the role.
>>>On-going Training & Development
Of course, training should not stop at induction and all employees should receive appropriate on- and off-the-job training on a regular basis which balances the needs of the business and the individual.

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