Objectives of Quality Circle

The perception of Quality Circles today is ‘Appropriateness for use1 and the tactic implemented is to avert imperfections in services rather than verification and elimination. Hence the attitudes of employees influence the quality. It encourages employee participation as well as promotes teamwork. Thus it motivates people to contribute towards organizational effectiveness through group processes. The following could be grouped as broad intentions of a Quality Circle:

=>> To contribute towards the improvement and development of the organization or a department.
=>> To overcome the barriers that may exist within the prevailing organizational structure so as to foster an open exchange of ideas.
=>> To develop a positive attitude and feel a sense of involvement in the decision making processes of the services offered.
=>> To respect humanity and to build a happy work place worthwhile to work.
=>> To display human capabilities totally and in a long run to draw out the infinite possibilities.
=>> To improve the quality of products and services.
=>> To improve competence, which is one of the goals of all organizations.
=>> To reduce cost and redundant efforts in the long run.

More objectives are:
1. To identify, analyze solve the quality work related problems.
2. To contribute to the improvement and development of the organization.
3. To develop, enhance and utilize human resource effectively.
4. To improve quality of products/services, productivity and reduce cost of production per unit of output.
5. To improve various supervisory skills like leadership, problem solving, inter-personnel and conflict resolution.
6. To utilize individual imaginative, creative and innovative skills through participation, creating and developing work interest, inculcating problem solving techniques etc.
7. To make everybody understand the contribution of job satisfaction, job involvement, career planning and other HR related policies in the total efficiency of the organization.

With improved efficiency, the lead time on convene of information and its subassemblies is reduced, resulting in an improvement in meeting customers due dates.
Customer satisfaction is the fundamental goal of any library. It will ultimately be achieved by Quality Circle and will also help to be competitive for a long time.

Source: whatishumanresource.com

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