Selection of Trainees

The next logical step of the training program is the selection of right person/employee for the program. Both the organization and the individual would benefit if a deserving employee is chosen for the training program. Organizations will provide the right training to the right people to create and maintain a well-trained and stable workforce. The individuals will receive higher pay, additional prestige and greater opportunities for promotion.

There are at least four considerations important in selecting trainees:

(1) Legal guidelines: The civil, commercial and industrial laws of the country should be taken as a guideline for selecting a person for the training. The rules and regulations of the organization will also be taken into consideration for selecting employees for the training so that there shall be consistency in action to ensure non-discrimination and fairness in the organization.

(2) Employee needs and motivation: Employees have to fit with the demand of the job requirements. New employees or promotable employees have to give training to bridge up such gap of skill and knowledge to fit them with the job. So, the employee with deficit skills and knowledge will be selected for the training.

(3) Skills obsolescence and retraining: If the existing skills of an employee have become obsolete due to change in technology, process, work structure and system of the organization, then that employee will need retaining on the new skills to justify his /her pay. Therefore, he/she will get early preference to getting training.

(4) Multi-skilling: Today, job diversity and dynamism of environment calls for knowledge, skill, and expertise in related and unrelated field of discipline to sustain in competitive market. It is also needed where self- managed teams are utilized. Everyone is encouraged to learn all of the jobs of the team. Therefore, those who need such multi-skilling, they should be taken first for the training.

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