Objectives of Job Analysis

The human component or staff is an important component for every organization. Employees keep the overall organization moving and dynamic. The success of the organization depends largely on the work of these employees. The main purpose of job analysis is to determine what an employee will do, how and when to do it, and what skills, qualifications and experience the employee needs to perform that job. In addition, the tasks that are analyzed to achieve other objectives are as follows:

1. Goal of the organization: Every organization is built to achieve a specific goal and objective. And by setting specific tasks for the implementation of these goals and objectives, staff is appointed for their implementation. Therefore, different types of information are required to achieve the overall goals of the organization. Necessary information is easily collected through proper work analysis.
2. Recruitment and selection of staff: Human resources are the most important tool in the organization’s goals. An organization without human resources or staff is absolutely useless. The more efficient and hard working the organization, the better the organization. For this, it is necessary to collect and select the right quality and quantity of workers as opposed to the specific work at a certain time. The various types of information required to perform this task are obtained through work analysis.
3. Organizational structure: Another important purpose of work analysis is to fix the organizational structure. The work analysis provides accurate and precise information about the labor department as well as other fields. The organization structure is easy to determine as accurate information about the labor department is available in a timely manner.
4. Arranging training: Training is required to develop the working methods and techniques of the old employees and to impart knowledge about the work of the new employees. Through training the employee can acquire knowledge about his work type, characteristics and nature, work environment and responsibilities and duties. And all the information that is needed for this is easily found through work analysis.
5. Comparative analysis of functions: Another purpose of function analysis is to perform comparative analysis of functions. In an organization, employees with different qualifications and experience perform different tasks from different positions. Therefore, comparative analysis of work is very important to determine more skills and qualifications to perform the work under different positions and positions at a given time.
6. Performance appraisal: The method used to verify the qualifications and skills of the employees engaged in the work of the organization is called performance appraisal. Evaluating the work of the employees is considered as an important task. Work analysis plays a special role in performing this task properly and correctly.
7. Setting Goals for Specific Positions: Each organization has overall goals and objectives which are the responsibility of different departments and sub-divisions for implementation. Therefore, different divisions and sub-divisions and different employees are determined when and how much work will be done. The goal of different terms can be easily determined by the extract information available in the work analysis.
8. Staff Transfers and Promotions: The offices of medium and large organizations have different departments and branch offices – where employees of different qualifications are employed in different positions. For a certain period of time, the work satisfaction of the employees and the need of the organization to change the workplace of the employees and to replace the current position to a more convenient position. This work can be done regularly by work analysis.
9. Determination of salary and wage system: It is necessary to analyze the work of determining the salary and wage system of the organization. As this is a very sensitive and sensitive issue for every organization, work analysis is essential to make the right and timely decision.
10. Resolving Misunderstandings: Lack of accurate and complete perception of the overall condition of the organization or the work creates misunderstandings between the employees or the employees. Work analysis is done to prevent such unwanted situations from happening.
11. Development of work environment: Employees working in the organization need different types of facilities in the field of work. Performance analysis is considered as a good tool to present the problems of the employees to the management authorities and to accurately determine the various facilities of the employees.
12. Employee safety and health: Conducting work analysis activities reveals hazards and various aspects of unhealthy environment. As a result, the health and safety of the workers can be ensured by taking proper steps.

The objectives mentioned can be easily achieved through work analysis. In general, work analysis is considered as an important task in the overall development of the organization.

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