Purpose of job analysis

The data collected from the job analysis can be used for a variety of purposes. These purposes are categorized into three classes. These purposes are discussed bellow:
1. Job description.
2. Job specification
3. Job evaluation

1. Job Description: Job descriptions describe the duties, responsibilities, working conditions and activities of a particular job. Job descriptions vary in terms of the level of details provided. However, several components are present in virtually every job description. For example the title of the job, type of summary, the worker requirements etc.
One valuable source for locating standardized job description is the Dictionary of Occupational titles (DOT), Published by the US department of labor providing information on more than 12000 occupation’s. managers can adapt the standardized job descriptions from the DOT to the specific jobs within their firms.

2. Job Specification: Job specification detail the knowledge, skills and abilities relevant to a job, including the education, experience, specialized training, personal traits and manual dexterity required. The job specification is important for a number of reasons. First, certain jobs have qualifications required by law. For example, airline pilots, attorneys and medical doctors all need to be licensed. Another type of job specification is based on professional tradition. For example, university professors must usually hold a ph. D or equivalent degree if they are going to be in a tenure track position. Finally, job specifications might involve establishing certain standards or criteria that are deemed necessary for successful performance.

3. Job Evaluation: the information gathered during a job analysis can be used as input for the organization’s job evaluation system. The job evaluation determines the worth of a particular job to the organization. This information is primarily used to determine the pay for the job. Thus, employees should be paid more for working on more difficult jobs.

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