Assumptions of Socialization

There are five assumption of socialization, if these assumptions are true and positive, socialization efforts may be successful. Otherwise it may be a burden for the employees. In the following paragraphs assumption of socialization can be stated:

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1. Influencing employee performance.
2. Increased organizational stability
3. Suffering from anxiety.
4. Socialization does not occur in a vacuum
5. Similar new situation

1. Influencing employee performance: Socialization strongly influences employee performance. Work performance depends to a considerable degree on knowledge what you should or should not do. Understanding the right way to do a job indicated proper socialization. Proper socialization becomes a significant factor in influencing both your actual job performance and how it is perceived by others.

2. Increased stability: Organizational stability is also increased through socialization. When over many years, jobs are filled and vacated with a minimum of disruption; the organization will be more stable. Its objective will be more smoothly transferred between generators through loyalty and commitment. Given that most managers value high employee performance and organizational stability, the proper socialization of employees should be important.

3. Suffering from anxiety: New member of the organization suffers from anxiety. The outsider insider passage is an anxiety producing situation. Stress is high because the new member fells a lack of identification if not with the work itself, certainly with new superior, new co-workers, a new work location, and a new set of rules and regulations, loneliness and a felling of isolation are not unusual.

4. Socialization does not occur in a vacuum: Socialization in influenced be subtle and less subtle statements and behaviors offered up by the colleagues, management, clients, and other people with whom new member come in contract.

5. Similar new situations: The way in which individuals adjust to the new situation is remarkable similar. This holds true even through the content and type of adjustment may vary. Anxiety is high at entry and the new member usually wants to reduce that anxiety quickly. The information obtained during the recruitment and selection stages is always incomplete and usually distorted.

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