Contents of an Orientation Program

1. New employees sign up. New employees will be received by an assigned person of the organization and welcome them to the organization. The new employees will put their signature to the attendance register and will enter into the orientation venue.

2. Refreshment tea. The new employees will be offered refreshment tea and be introduced with other new employees as well as company incumbents.

3. Orientation information session. It includes address of the key executives, supply of information handbook, leaflets etc., exhibiting video / movie show, and question –answer session. New employees are free to ask any question about the company, pay, incentives, benefits, promotion, disciplinary codes or any other matter. Executives give answer with information to make new employees satisfied with the company and to build up a good image of the company into the minds of them.

4. Complimentary lunch. During the break, all attending employees, new and old, will have lunch. Generally, this lunch is offered in the name of the chief executive.

5. Home office tour. Under this program, new employees are taken and introduced with all the departments and existing employees of each department to make them familiar with the office environment.

6. Factory site tour. If the company is a manufacturing concern, then new employees are taken to the factory site or sites. It may be within the country or in foreign country. It may take days or months, but it is undertaken to make new employees complacent with the organizational activities and to orient them with the production mechanism, products, quality and environment of the factory so that they can feel themselves a part of the organizational image.

7. Orientation interview. It is taken at the end of a certain period to know the opinion of the employees about the orientation program and its various facets. The aim is to improve the orientation program by making desirable changes to make it more effective.

8. Follow-up. The human resource manager will make necessary improvement of the existing orientation program with the findings of the interview and other observations.

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