Importance of Leadership

1. Initiating Action: Leadership starts from the very beginning, even before the work actually starts. A leader is a person who communicates the policies and plans to the subordinates to start the work.

2. Providing Motivation: A leader motivates the employees by giving them financial and non-financial incentives and gets the work done efficiently. Motivation is the driving force in an individual’s life.

3. Providing guidance: A leader not only supervises the employees but also guides them in their work. He instructs the subordinates on how to perform their work effectively so that their efforts don’t get wasted.

4. Creating confidence: A leader acknowledges the efforts of the employees, explains to them their role clearly and guides them to achieve their goals. He also resolves the complaints and problems of the employees, thereby building confidence in them regarding the organization.

5. Building work environment: A good leader should maintain personal contacts with the employees and should hear their problems and solve them. He always listens to the point of view of the employees and in case of disagreement persuades them to agree with him by giving suitable clarifications. In case of conflicts, he handles them carefully and does not allow it to adversely affect the entity. A positive and efficient work environment helps in stable growth of the organization.

6. Co-ordination: A leader reconciles the personal interests of the employees with the organizational goals and achieves co-ordination in the entity.

7. Creating Successors: A leader trains his subordinates in such a manner that they can succeed him in future easily in his absence. He creates more leaders.

8. Induces change: A leader persuades, clarifies and inspires employees to accept any change in the organization without much resistance and discontentment. He makes sure that employees don’t feel insecure about the changes.

Often, the success of an organization is attributed to its leaders. But, one must not forget that it’s the followers who make a leader successful by accepting his leadership. Thus, leaders and followers collectively play a key role to make leadership successful.

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