Induction Programme

A good induction programme should cover the following:

=> The company, its history and products, process of production and major operations involved in his job.
=> The significance of the job with all necessary information about it including job training and job hazards.
=> Structure of the organization and the functions of various departments.
=> Employee’s own department and job, and how he fits into the organization.
=> Personnel policy and sources of information.
=> Company policies, practices, objectives and regulations.
=> Terms and conditions of service, amenities and welfare facilities.
=> Rules and regulations governing hours of work and over-time, safety and accident prevention, holidays and vacations, methods of reporting, tardiness and, absenteeism.
=> Grievances procedure and discipline handling.
=> Social benefits and recreation services.
=> Opportunities, promotions, transfer, suggestion schemes and job satisfaction.

An induction programme consists primarily of three steps:
General orientation by the staff: It gives necessary general information about the history and the operations of the firm. The purpose is to help an employee to build up some pride and interest in the organization.

Specific orientation by the job supervisor: The employee is shown the department and his place of work; the location of facilities and is told about the organization’s specific practices and customs. The purpose is to enable the employee to adjust with his work and environment.

Follow-up orientation by either the personnel department or the supervisor: This is conducted within one week to six months of the initial induction and by a foreman or a specialist. The purpose is to find out whether the employee is reasonably well satisfied with him. Through personal talks, guidance and counselling efforts are made to remove the difficulties experienced by the newcomer.

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