Model for Human Resource Management

In recent years there has been relative agreement among HRM specialists as to what constitutes the fields of HRM. The mode that provided the focus was developed by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). In its study, ASTD identified nine human resource areas:

1. Training and development: Human Resource Management tries trained, and develop its employees considering individual, organization and training institute needs.

2. Organization development: Through organizational development is a systematic process can be under taken and some interventions can be practiced for the development of human resources and organizational activities. That can help proper functioning of the organization.

3. Organization /Job Design: Organizational job design focuses on defining how tasks authority and systems will be organized and integrated across organization units and in individual jobs.

4. Human resource planning: Human resource planning focuses arranging the organizations major human resource need strategies and philosophies.

5. Selection and Staffing: After job design or recruitment, most appropriate candidates are chosen from available candidates, is called selection. Selection and staffing needs focus matching people and their career needs and capabilities with job and career paths.

6. Personnel Research and Information Systems: Its focus assuring and personnel information base.

7. Compensation / Benefits: Compensation refers to all the extrinsic rewards that employee in change for their work. Its focus assuring compensation benefits fairness and consistency.

8. Employee Assistance: Its focus assuring providing personal problem solving, counseling to individual employee.

9. Union / Labor Relations: It focuses ensuring healthy organizational relationships. A human relation is important for industrial peace and good working environment.

These nine areas have been termed spokes of the wheel in that each area impacts on human resource outputs: quality of work life, productivity, and readiness for change.

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