Aims of Strategic HRM

The main goal of strategic human resource management is to achieve sustainable comparative advantage in the organization. To create strategic capability by ensuring adequacy of skilled, dedicated and well-motivated manpower required for this purpose. If we consider the resource-based approach, it can be seen that an organization can be more advantageous and flexible than other competing organizations by employing more talented employees and expanding their skills through development.

Schuler Says: Strategic human resource management basically works for greater integration and adaptation. This ensures that,
=> Human resource management is integrated with the strategy and strategic needs of the organization as a whole.
=> Human resource policy is linked to both the overall policy of the organization and the authority and responsibility of the hierarchy.
=> Human resource practice or integrated work is embedded in the day-to-day work of all officers and staff.

Dyer and Holder Says: Strategic human resource management consists of similar structures, which are simultaneously large, situational, and integrated. The rationale for strategic human resource management is to strategically manage human resources to meet the long-term needs of the organization and to adapt to changing situations, where the strategy or approach is acceptable to all.

Lengnick-Hall Says: The rationale behind strategic human resource management is that comparative advantage can be achieved through human resource management. And to determine the extent to which the organization is responsible for the management and the larger community.

Storey Says: Smooth and gentle strategic human resource management places more emphasis on the human relationship between the staff and the management of the organization. Therefore, it constantly focuses on the development, communication, involvement, safety, quality of work, etc. of the employees. Strict strategic human resource management, on the other hand, emphasizes how much can or could be achieved in return for investing in human resources in the interests of the business. Attempts are made to strike a balance between the soft and hard elements of strategic human resource management. All organizations survive to achieve a goal, and they must ensure that they have sufficient resources to do so effectively. However, they have to take into account the human component of the staff.

The organization must consider its responsibility towards the society. Because they extract wealth from the society, it should be given back to the society. McWilliams, Siegel and Wright speak of corporate social responsibility.

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