HR help desk

Why an HR help desk?
Human Resource Help Desk Services have become a widely used tool for companies both large and small; it’s an easy, cost-effective way of handling your company’s daily HR to do’s. A help desk package with All Things HR will help streamline your platform and to allow you and your employees to focus on long term goals and concerns. Unless you have a fully staffed HR department, there’s little reason to ever go without a help desk package. It provides you with unparalleled access to crucial information and a system to handle your HR needs.
HR HelpDesk
What’s Included
Unlimited Calls and Emails with an All Things HR representative
Access to a myriad of helpful HR documents and form templates
First Priority Seating at our popular seminars and webinars
Provision of our monthly HR newsletter
A detailed, monthly to-do list to help prioritize your HR tasks

The Benefits
Much more cost-effective than calling an employment attorney for small matters
Our Staff has over 100 years of combined HR experience in Washington State
We maintain working knowledge of employment law and ideal HR practices to minimize your chance of fines, audits, and lawsuits
We’re a fantastic resource; we save you time and money by acting as your go-to for any HR concerns and questions. No more searching online to piece together crucial HR info
Our services are completely on call, so you’re totally covered for those time sensitive matters like theft, assault, harassment, etc.

Common Concerns that we can help address
My employee didn’t show for work and didn’t call, what should I do?
What do I need to offer an employee who’s asking to take a leave of absence?
My employee was injured while working remotely, what happens now?
My company’s not big enough to offer traditional benefits to my employees, what options do I have?

Questions we often get from our Help Deskers
Is the Help Desk service staffed by actual employment attorneys?
No, our Help Desk is staffed by our HR professionals, who all maintain an extensive knowledge of both Federal and WA state employment laws.
Does your Help Desk service provide sample policies and procedures?
No, but we do provide sample documents and letters. Policies and procedures are covered under our Handbook services, and are billed accordingly at an hourly rate.
What sort of business benefits most from this service?
Any business with employees that doesn’t have an experienced HR professional on staff will benefit from the knowledge and expertise we provide. For companies large and small, this service can save you money and time while keeping your HR risks to a minimum. For those organizations that have effective HR Professionals on staff, All Things HR is a great sounding board and a place to get a well-informed second opinion on particular HR matters.
With all the information that’s available out there, why should I use this service?
Our staff will save you a ton of time by providing you with accurate and relevant information. Digging through a mountain of google searches is tedious, especially if you’re looking for specific information pertaining to Washington State.
Can Anyone from my staff call in?
This services is designed to specifically aid the management team of your company. We provide other options if you ever wish to outsource your HR functions, and we’re happy to discuss those with you!

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