Qualities of a Leader

Personality: A pleasing personality always attracts people. A leader should also friendly and yet authoritative so that he inspires people to work hard like him.

Knowledge: A subordinate looks up to his leader for any suggestion that he needs. A good leader should thus possess adequate knowledge and competence in order to influence the subordinates.

Integrity: A leader needs to possess a high level of integrity and honesty. He should have a fair outlook and should base his judgment on the facts and logic. He should be objective and not biased.

Initiative: A good leader takes initiative to grab the opportunities and not wait for them and use them to the advantage of the organization.

Communication skills: A leader needs to be a good communicator so that he can explain his ideas, policies, and procedures clearly to the people. He not only needs to be a good speaker but also a good listener, counselor, and persuader.

Motivation skills: A leader needs to be an effective motivator who understands the needs of the people and motivates them by satisfying those needs.

Self-confidence and Will Power: A leader needs to have a high level of self-confidence and immense will-power and should not lose it even in the worst situations, else employees will not believe in him.

Intelligence: A leader needs to be intelligent enough to analyze the pros and cons of a situation and take a decision accordingly. He also needs to have a vision and fore-sightedness so that he can predict the future impact of the decisions taken by him.

Decisiveness: A leader has to be decisive in managing his work and should be firm on the decisions are taken by him.

Social skills: A leader should possess empathy towards others. He should also be a humanist who also helps the people with their personal problems. He also needs to possess a sense of responsibility and accountability because with great authority comes great responsibility.

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