HR Trends for 2023

2023 is bringing a changing world of work. The pandemic prompted digital transformation four years into the future and transformed employee-employer relationships. Although HR has been leading change and crisis in recent years, it runs the risk of missing the boat on this fundamental shift in how we work.

We believe that 2023 is the window of opportunity for HR to realign the value proposition of the function to the post-pandemic reality. Human resource professionals have played an important role in guiding organizations through the storm of the pandemic and the subsequent rise in inflation and economic downturn. In other words, if adequately enabled, HR can have a tremendous impact on organizations.

We’ve identified 11 HR trends we expect will shape the 2023 workplace. Some trends have been going on for a while now, but recent developments have accelerated them. A result of many drastic changes that organizations had to make and in some cases are still facing

1. A focus on total wellbeing
2. Managing workforce ecosystems
3. Redefining remote and hybrid work strategies
4. The evolving role of the CHRO
5. HR enters the metaverse
6. Creating purpose-driven organizations
7. Inclusion across the employee life cycle
8. Upskilling leaders and managers
9. Increased investments in deskless workers
10. The rise of algorithmic HR
11. Reshaping workplace learning

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